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The Avon President’s Recognition Program for 2017

The Avon President’s Recognition Program recognizes and rewards Avon Representatives and Leaders, starting with Representatives who have achieved an outstanding Award Sales of $10,000 or more in a yearly selling cycle. This is the program as it stands for 2017.

The Avon President’s Recognition Program Sales Achievement Levels

There are six sales level recognized and rewarded in the Avon President’s Recognition Program.

Avon President’s Recognition Program
Avon President’s Recognition Program

The sales levels in the Avon President’s Recognition Program are –

  1. Presidents Club – At this level you get guaranteed earning of 40% (25% on fixed earning items), you may order up to 3 demos of any product from the What’s New brochure, you will get invited to the PRP Tribute luncheon, earn 25 PRP points on holidays and your birthday, get an exclusive gift at your PRP Tribute Luncheon for you level of achievement, and 400 PRP points you can redeem for the Mrs. Albee award or spend as you like in the reward headquarters.
  2. Honor Society – At this level you get all the above but you can now order up to 5 demos, you earn 800 PRP points, and you are invited to bring a guest to you PRP Tribute luncheon.
  3. Rose Circle – You begin earning a guaranteed 45% (25% on fixed earning items) at this level and may order up to 10 demos of any product from the What’s New brochures, plus everything listed above and 1,600 PRP points.
  4. David H. McConnell Club – Again all the above and you are now eligible to order up to 15 demos of any one product and you will earn 5,000 PRP points.
  5. President’s Council – Everything from the previous levels plus at this level you earn a trip! You will be qualified for the National Recognition Celebration at an exciting destination for you and a guest. You’ll also earn 10,000 PRP points
  6. President’s Inner Circle – At this level everything above plus 50% earnings guaranteed (25% on fixed-earnings items), Spirit of Albee Award, presented at the President’s Recognition Program Celebration to all Inner Circle members who are Executive Leaders or above, Special Inner Circle Reward Dollars, and PRP15,000 points

Avon President’s Recognition Program Points

Earn points every step of the way as you build you business!

Avon President’s Recognition Program
Avon President’s Recognition Points Program

You will earn points that you can redeem at Rewards Headquarters. There is a huge variety of over 3,000 gifts to choose from across all point levels. You can earn points based on sales increase, when you hit the achievement levels listed above, and for birthdays and holidays too!

The Avon President’s Recognition Tribute Luncheon

Avon proudly honors top achievers across the country. Representatives who have attained a minimum of $10,000 in sales, as well as those who have excelled in Sales Leadership, will celebrate at Avon’s annual President’s Recognition Program Tribute. Gifts for the highest level of Sales Achievement and Sales Leadership are awarded.

Avon President’s Recognition Program
Avon President’s Recognition Program Tribute Luncheon

The Avon President’s Recognition Tribute Currant Sales Achievement Awards

A representative is recognized and receives an award for the following –

  • Sales Volume – Top 5 Representatives in each District and Division will be awarded statuettes: Gold for #1, Silver for #2, Bronze for #3–5.
  • Sales Increase – Top 5 Representatives in each District and Division will be awarded statuettes: Gold for #1, Silver for #2, Bronze for #3–5.
  • The Spirit of Avon – Presented to the President’s Recognition Program member in each District who serves as a role model in the District and the community, and who best represents the spirit of Avon and the values and principles we embrace.
  • Best New Performer – Gold statuette presented in each District to the Representative appointed in 2017 who achieves President’s Club or higher with the highest Award Sales. Silver statuettes will be presented to all other Representatives appointed in 2017 who reach President’s Club or higher that year.
  • Sales Level Advancement – President’s Club & Above All President’s Club members or above who reach a higher Sales Achievement Level in 2017 than ever before will be awarded a certificate of recognition.
  • Direct Delivery Sales – Top Representative in each District and Division with the highest ratio of Direct Delivery Sales to Award Sales will be awarded a certificate of recognition.

The Avon President’s Recognition Tribute Currant Sales Leadership Awards

Leadership representatives who have also achieved President’s Club or above sales level will be rewarded with statutes for the following –
  • Total Unit Sales Volume – Top 5 Leaders and above in each District: #1 Gold, #2 Silver, #3–5 Bronze.
  • Total Unit Sales Increase – Top 5 Leaders and above in each District: #1 Gold, #2 Silver, #3–5 Bronze.
  • Total Unit Sales Volume – Top 5 Gold Leaders and above in Division: #1 Gold, #2 Silver, #3–5 Bronze.
  • Total Unit Sales Increase – Top 5 Gold Leaders and above in Division: #1 Gold, #2 Silver, #3–5 Bronze.
  • Active Downline Member Order Increase – Top 5 Gold Leaders and above in Division: #1 Gold, #2 Silver, #3–5 Bronze.
  • Best New Sales Leadership Performer – Representatives who achieve Leader or above and President’s Club or above in the year they are appointed (2017) and attain the highest Total Unit Sales in their Division will receive a gold statuette. Others who meet this achievement will receive a silver statuette.
  • PRP Membership Mentoring – Certificates of recognition for Leaders and above who close the year (C-26 2017) with a 10% increase in new PRP members over the prior cycle (at close of C-26 2016). Growth of a minimum of two new PRP members is required.
  • Sales Leadership – Title Advancement Certificates of recognition for Leaders and above who achieve a higher Sales Leadership title for the first time ever in C-26 2017 compared to C-26 2016.
(Total Unit Sales include personal sales and 1st, 2nd and 3rd Generation Award Sales.)
Avon’s President’s Recognition Program, honoring outstanding sales performance has always been a proud tradition at our company, and is in fact, at the heart of the principles that guide Avon”…to give full recognition to those individuals upon whom Avon’s success depends– David H. McConnell, Avon Founder.

My Awards, Recognition, and Loot from the Avon 2017 President’s Recognition Program Tribute Luncheon

I recently attended my President’s Recognition Tribute Luncheon for the 2016 sales cycle and had a fabulous time. I was given, won, and earned prizes, including The Spirit of Avon Award and my first Avon Statuette, or as we call them our Avon Oscars.

I love Avon!

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