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New AVON LLC's Animal Welfare Policy
New AVON LLC’s Animal Welfare Policy

The Following is the Animal Welfare Policy for New AVON LLC as found on their website here.

New Avon LLC (“Avon”), with operations in the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico, has a deep respect for animal welfare and does not conduct animal testing. Avon does not conduct animal testing on its products or ingredients, nor does it ask others to do so on its behalf.

Avon is a strong advocate of both the ethical and humane treatment of animals and the protection of human health and safety. Our products are developed utilizing alternative testing methods such as extrapolations from existing data, computational modeling, in vitro (test tube/cell culture) testing and clinical tests with human volunteers to ensure both their efficacy and safety.

Consumers can be assured that any product carrying the Avon name and sold in the U.S., Canada or Puerto Rico has been developed in a cruelty-free manner (no animal testing), has undergone rigorous and thorough safety evaluation, and can be used with the utmost confidence.

I hope you found this information helpful. If you have ever been concerned about the Avon products sold to you in North America being subject to animal testing now you can rest assured that they have been developed in a cruelty-free manner and that New Avon LLC does not test on animals, or ask others to do so on it’s behalf.

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