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Avon’s Skin So Soft Soft & Sensual Gelled Body Oil

Get softer, more supple skin with Avon’s Skin So Soft Soft & Sensual Gelled Body Oil.

Soft & Sensual Gelled Body Oil

Avon Skin So Soft lotions are luxurious lotions that give you velvety soft skin and Avon’s Gelled Body Oil restores skin’s essential moisture with Argan Oil, boosting overall hydration. While you experience the scents of lush florals and jasmine. It will leave skin feeling moisturized for 24 hours, with a powdery after-feel.


Avon’s Gelled Body Oil has a regular price of $12 for the 6.7 oz tube. Click here to check the current price and see if any special offers are available.

Avon’s Skin So Soft Soft & Sensual Gelled Body Oil Reviews

Skin So Soft Soft & Sensual Gelled Body Oil has 93 reviews with an average rating of 4.8 stars out of 5 stars.

5 Star – Love This Stuff – “I loved the gelled body oil in the SSS line – especially the Soft & Sensual scent! Non-sticky and my skin feels fantastic. I am usually super dry in the winter – very itchy and uncomfortable. Since I started using the gelled body oil, I have been itch free. It is not drippy and messy and it soaks in immediately. I love this stuff!”

5 Star – Surprise, Surprise – “Bought a bunch of these as I am a huge fan of Skin So Soft in general. Love the body oils but sometimes they prove too greasy (esp in the summer during the day). This is a light whipped gellied oil. It goes on smooth. Is very light. And the moisture level is amazing. Also leaves behind the light clean scent. Scent doesnt clash with any fragrance I use afterward. This stuff works better than more expensive dept store brands! Affordable Luxury!!!!”

5 Star – Helped My Eczema – “I was diagnosed with eczema & was given a steroid cream that I had to use sparingly due to it’s side affect. My legs (below hips & above knees) -flakey, cracking, itchy & painful. Nothing helped until I ordered a tube of SSS jelled oil. It gave me relief; my legs got back to being smooth & soft. I have no scars & The skin on my legs look and feel great.”

Click here to read more reviews.


The ingredients are –


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