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Avon RepFest 2018 Recap

I just got back from this year’s RepFest in Columbus, Ohio and it was amazing! I just love this company! Here is my Avon RepFest 2018 Recap.

Avon RepFest 2018
Avon RepFest 2018

I had such a great time at RepFest! I went on a tour of the Zanesville Distribution center. It’s amazing all that goes into getting us our orders! It was so huge the building can hold 14 full football fields!

Then I had the privilege of attending a VIP party with an open bar and a lot of amazing food! I need to be sure I earn that award next year! Avon really knows how to treat their representatives!

Avon RepFest 2018
Avon RepFest 2018

Avon really goes all out, everyday the speakers and sessions were amazing! There were incredible displays and show. Even a private concert with Rascal Flatts!

Here are some of the highlights of the news and announcements for Avon Representatives.

***August is Avon Appreciation Month with daily giveaways, incentives, recognition, events, and so much more all in honor of you. We’ll also be giving away cool prizes like iPads, MacBook Air computers, professional lighting kits you can use for your Facebook Lives, and so much more.

***Share the Love Sign Up Special Extended through 8/10/18.

*** Rake in the Cash! Avon is Giving Away Some Major Cash! $150,000! We love cash, you love cash, and most of all—we love giving you cash! This fall, we’re giving away $150,000 with our Rake in the Cash incentive, with 4 people raking in $25,000 each—and tons of other cash prizes, ranging from $500 all the way to $10,000.

***Sept through Oct Come Home for the Holidays Regional Events in 16 cities. Attendees will be offered special bundles, sales and product training to attract new customers.

***New sales tools & assets – product information cards which will include photo of product with sales tips & features & benefits to help you become more knowledgeable about each product.

***Aug 12 – 18 Online Store Orders Only customers who spend $25 or more get FREE SHIPPING. And if they spend $50 or more they get a free gift of purchase worth $65 value (Anew Ultimate Regimen Set)

***Campaign 20-21 – all reps will receive a personalized sales target and when you hit it, you will receive a customized limited offer GREAT OAK LOCKET. On the front will be the oak and on the back it will say “What’s Your Why”.

***New Jewelry will be in every brochure and 50% of all holiday jewelry will be under $10

***Espira for Kids chewable vitamins

***New Espira products coming C02 2019

***Campaigns 22-26 You get to choose which campaign you want your double dollars in. The campaign with your highest sales in from 22-26 will get double dollars.

*** CAMPAIGN 1-8 GET your business READY!! The All INCLUSIVE TRIP to Los Cabos in June. More details to come on what needs to be done to earn the trip but OMG!! HOW EXCITING IS THAT?!!

***Last but not at all least next year’s RepFest is in New Orleans!!!


I took a couple live videos –

“Unboxing” my swag bag

Upcoming Fashion

Avon Holiday!

That’s it! I can’t wait for next year in New Orleans! I can’t imagine the awesome things Avon will have in store for us!

Avon RepFest 2018
Avon RepFest 2018

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